Why doe muscle size does not necessarily correlate with muscle strength?


As the title says. Why does hypertrophy (growing muscle tissue in size) does not correlate with the strength of the individuals training for strength (as in heavy weight lifting, without growing muscle tissue)?

In: 460

30 Answers

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When you lift something heavy, you don’t use all the fibres in the muscle. If you keep repeating the lift, say, kn a “set,” you start recruiting more fibres as others tire out.

In strength training, you can train your mind muscle connection to recruit more fibres earlier.

So strength training is usually higher weight, less repetitions focusing on using more fibres earlier, which increases strength. whereas hypertrophy training is usually more reps focusing on doing as much fibre damage as possible to encourage growth.

Obviously, both will increase size and strength, but one is more targeted on size. The other is fibre density and recruitment.

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