Why doe muscle size does not necessarily correlate with muscle strength?


As the title says. Why does hypertrophy (growing muscle tissue in size) does not correlate with the strength of the individuals training for strength (as in heavy weight lifting, without growing muscle tissue)?

In: 460

30 Answers

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It *does* correlate, it’s just that it’s one of two components, the other being *motor unit recruitment*. Basically you got a bunch of fibers (motor units) that make up your muscles, and you have nerves coursing within those that trigger their contractions, but you might not actually have enough nerves to trigger all of them.

So if you start being more active, the body can respond to the increased performance need by either growing more muscle mass, or increasing *innervation*, and it’ll choose based on whether there’s enough protein available to build and sustain the increased muscle mass. This is why eating lots of protein is critical to bodybuilding, and also why competitive weight lifters aren’t necessarily as built, since maximizing motor unit recruitment gives more strength without bumping up one’s weight class.

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