Why doe muscle size does not necessarily correlate with muscle strength?


As the title says. Why does hypertrophy (growing muscle tissue in size) does not correlate with the strength of the individuals training for strength (as in heavy weight lifting, without growing muscle tissue)?

In: 460

30 Answers

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Your body wants to adapt to what it failed to do at the gym, it will want to get purely stronger when it failed at a test of strength, and it will want to get bigger when it fails a test of more prolonged strength. When you train for strength by lifting for lower reps, you’re training to recruit more muscle fibers during your lifts, more muscle fibers working means more force being generated. When your training for muscle size, you’re prioritizing just building as many new muscle fibers as possible.

You’ll still build strength with hypertrophy training and size with strength training, just things like your training rep range, rest time and sets will determine the strength to size ratio.

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