Why doe muscle size does not necessarily correlate with muscle strength?


As the title says. Why does hypertrophy (growing muscle tissue in size) does not correlate with the strength of the individuals training for strength (as in heavy weight lifting, without growing muscle tissue)?

In: 460

30 Answers

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When you work out hard and fast (short period of time) you are tearing the crap out of your muscle fibers. As your body heals those fibers (in recovery) it also makes more (assuming you feed it enough protein and stuff) because it is anticipating a heavier load and wants to bulk up. This is body building. When you do longer, lower weight or impact exercises, you tear fewer fibers, but still stress them all enough that as they are repaired, individual fibers are made stronger/more efficient. This is strength or endurance training.

So basically strength comes from stressing the body without tearing your muscles and bulk comes from repeatedly over tearing your muscle fibers. The SIZE of your muscles will increase, but each individual fiber will be newer/weaker and overall an equivalent sized “body builder” will be significantly weaker than a strength trainer or “Strongman”

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