Why does 1000 day aged Gouda have a use by date of 30 days?


Why does 1000 day aged Gouda have a use by date of 30 days?

In: 12824

13 Answers

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While being aged, the cheese is stored as [whole wheels](https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/cheeses-on-the-shelves-at-a-dairy-farm-picture-id174830694?k=20&m=174830694&s=612×612&w=0&h=deSirE1EjxWEiRYmXA7BAPA0RuxZgRJ1YZf5r3r2vvc=) protected by a [hard outer rind](https://dfwblobstorage.blob.core.windows.net/ewcmediacontainer/eatwisconsincheese/media/content/cheesemasters-2019/gouda-header_2.jpg), or sometimes even a [wax casing layer](https://www.grocery.com/store/image/cache/catalog/mill-dance/igourmet-B0065WOTOK-600×600.jpg). It is also stored in the perfect conditions of cleanliness, humidity, and temperature.

Once the wheel is cut open, the clock starts ticking because now the protective outer coating has been sliced, *exposing the actual cheese inside* to the elements. That includes mold/spoiling as well as temperature, oxidation, and drying out.

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