I am from India,who has shifted to the UK. It’s been 3-4 years, however UK summers feel unbearable compared to Indian summers. My skin feels like it’s burning at 25° in the UK but 25° in India is so much more pleasant. I understand that it’s closer to the sun since the earth is slightly tilted, but make it make sense that my skin burns while in the UK, but I’m just really sweaty in India, without the burning sensation.
In: Other
One word: Air Pollution.
Remember that 25deg is the temperature of the air in the shade. It is NOT a measure of how hot the sun feels. If you stand in the shade in 25deg, it will feel approx the same in both places. If you step out in the sun, clearer air in the UK or US make the sun’s rays feel like hot embers, while the pollution in India means you are always in somewhat ‘diffused’ sunlight, almost like a constant half-shade, making it much more bearable.
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