I am from India,who has shifted to the UK. It’s been 3-4 years, however UK summers feel unbearable compared to Indian summers. My skin feels like it’s burning at 25° in the UK but 25° in India is so much more pleasant. I understand that it’s closer to the sun since the earth is slightly tilted, but make it make sense that my skin burns while in the UK, but I’m just really sweaty in India, without the burning sensation.
In: Other
I’m from Florida but currently in NYC (going through the heat wave). I’m used to 90 degree weather (and with much more humidity), but here it’s pretty unbearable. A big part of it is that the buildings and infrastructure are more designed to protect from cold than they are from heat (applies to both NYC and UK). It tends to be colder for much more of the year… But when it does get hot, the heat is just inescapable. In Florida every building has central air conditioning and/or is well ventilated, with other structural considerations to minimize heat capture. However here, almost everywhere I go is very hot, I’m sweating constantly. You really feel it’s presence constantly.
That’s been my experience, I’d imagine it holds true for UK vs India. India has always been a very hot region so everything has been designed to minimize the heat
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