why does a campfire burn weaker if you blow too much air at it?


I’ve noticed when you blow air at a campfire, aimed at the embers it gets hotter and the fire gets better for like a minute but then it gets way worse than it was before blowing at it. Why does this happen? This literally always happens if you blow at it hard enough.

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You have to blow an immense amount of air to make it weaker.

What limits a fire in a campfire is the amount of oxygen reaching the fuel (wood).
When you blow into the fire you increase the amount of oxygen that reaches the burning areas and actually increase the fire for a second. What happens is you increase the amount of fuel being burned for a few seconds. directly after two things can happen

1: if its an early fire and/or a lot of fuel is available you increase the size of the fire since you increase the areas that are burning. This leads to a bigger fire and can shorten the time it takes to get a fire going if you need to make food etc. This is a strategy used by many including the scouts where i learned

2: if the fire is burning at the highest amount of area possible you will create a bigger fire immediately but fire will be smaller afterwards since you increase the amount of fuel burned and thereby decreasing the area left since we are already at max.