why does a job in the city pay more then a job in a town for a government job like a teacher?


I assume cost of living in a city being higher though higher living costs but how does the school get more money to pay them then the teacher doing the same thing out in a town does the government give schools more money to schools in the city to pay them more just for them living in a city?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

City governments typically get MUCH higher tax revenue because cities have higher population (more people paying taxes mean more taxes get paid) and property taxes are generally higher. That covers the how cities get the money to pay higher salaries but not the *why*. The *why* is because residents of cities are generally more productive, experience higher cost of living and have more opportunities to find employment elsewhere(increasing the competition on you to pay better).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Schools typically get money 2 ways, one is from the federal government on a per student basis. So more kids equal more money.

Two is from property taxes. If you are zoned for a school typically your property taxes go to that school. Its why most places make you go to the school you’re zoned for and why you can see a very clear difference between the quality of schools in low income vs high income areas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is not the case, the NZ Government pay scale for teachers in public schools is the same for all teachers, regardless of town or city.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This assumption is not often the case. Not sure where you are located, but in the US schools are funded largely by local property taxes. These are decided on a school district basis, which is typically a town or collection of neighboring towns. In most places in the US, small suburbs outside the major cities typically pay teachers much better, offer better education because wealthier home owners who are also willing to pay higher tax rates toward schools. Meanwhile, the poorer urban schools lack funding to pay well or offer top tier education.