Why does a more symmetrical upload/download speed matter?

359 viewsOtherTechnology

Hi everyone,

Not too experienced in networking and I have seen a lot of talk about this lately.
As a consumer, doesn’t only the download speed only really matter? Unless you are uploading videos to YouTube or something?

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If your upload bandwidth is fully occupied, it affects the confirmation for the download of data which slows down download. Source: was on a 25/2 DSL line that worked great, until someone started backing up their files to the cloud, then everything stopped working. 

Also a a consumer you want a decently high speed download and upload (like 100 Mbps down and 25Mbps up is one of the proposed FCC minimum standards it would support 4 4k down streams and 1 4k upstream) but another key component is latency. If you are on older stallite data connections, the latency is 1 second or so. It makes teleconferencing tedious. 40ms latency is like an entire frame in classic cinema. Getting down to singe digit ms latency is ideal, but it’s geographically determined.

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