I’m not really too sure about this in real life since I don’t see fights that often, but why do movies and cartoons show that? For example, I saw a cartoon where someone smacked the other person with a baseball bat. Suddenly they’re laying on the ground, bleeding on the back of the head.
I get areas where there’s a passage way like your nose, mouth, and even ears but why do random spots on the head bleed when no cuts were involved? How does the skin rips open after a big blow to it?
In: Other
Skin is fragile. Especially on the skull where there is not a whole lot of meat or fat to absorb the shock.
15 years ago or something I hit my head on a doorway jumping down stairs (don’t ask). It wasn’t even that hard all things considered. I didn’t faint or anything. But let me tell you I was pissing blood.
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