why does a toothache seems unbearable compared to any other body ache?


why does a toothache seems unbearable compared to any other body ache?

In: 23

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

probably because it is not. good enough analgesics work on any pain, and tbh toothache has nothing even close to nonstop contractions in active labor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each tooth has lots of nerves and blood vessels that provide nutrients and responses to it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Toothache is just the worst pain you’ve experienced so far.

Other pain can be worse.

Migraines, childbirth, kidney stones, acute glaucoma, bone metastases, etc are just some other things which are exceptionally painful and can be worse than toothache.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because its inside your head.
Ive had to wrangle with ear issues for half my life and the pain can easily equal tooth pain.
Im actually quite good at tolerating pain, but the things inside your head are just inescapable.
Every small movement will set it of. And each stining sensation will often spread through at least half of your head.
And your head is you. If your arms hurting you can see it as something thats hurting on an extension of yourself.
But when your heads hurting it feels like your everything hurts because you cannot focus on anything besides that pain.