why does adding more traffic lanes doesn’t help to alleviate traffic congestion?


why does adding more traffic lanes doesn’t help to alleviate traffic congestion?

In: 26

26 Answers

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Adding more lanes to a road can help to alleviate traffic congestion, but it is not a guaranteed solution. This is because adding more lanes can actually increase the number of cars on the road, which can lead to more congestion in the long run. This is known as induced demand.

Imagine a road with two lanes that becomes very congested during rush hour. If you add a third lane to the road, more people might be attracted to using the road because it will seem less congested, even though the same number of cars are still using it. This can lead to the same level of congestion as before, or even worse congestion.

There are other factors that can contribute to traffic congestion as well, such as bottlenecks, accidents, and road construction. In order to truly alleviate traffic congestion, it is often necessary to address these issues and consider a range of solutions, such as improving public transportation, encouraging carpooling, and creating more efficient transportation networks.

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