Why does ageing exist ?


Why could the body not keep making healthy, young cells forever?

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7 Answers

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Imagine making a photo copy of a document. There’s 3 inches on the margins full of nonsense and all the important text is right in the middle.

The copier is a little imperfect, the edges get a little blurry, but it’s okay. They’re not important.. yet. Just zoom in a little and trim them away.

But eventually you run out of margins to cut away, so things that are important need to start getting messed with in the middle. Or maybe you drip a little coffee in the middle on accident and a smudge happens, but you think that G is a C so you copy it in with a pen.

This is similar to issues copying DNA.
It’s imperfect but has extra at the end to compensate, eventually those run out and the imperfections hit the important bits. There are repair structures in there but those are also imperfect. Or something like a coffee drip, which would be like radiation or some other issue that alters part of the DNA leading to an imperfection.

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