Why does alcohol make stress and depression “go away” almost instantly but is making it worse in the long run?


Why does alcohol make stress and depression “go away” almost instantly but is making it worse in the long run?

In: 125

39 Answers

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The chemical that makes the stress and depression “go away” is GABA. When you add any amount of GABA to your brain unnaturally , it will cause your brain to make less of its own GABA. When you stop drinking you are now left with less GABA then when you started. Now that you have less GABA you will feel more stressed and depressed. The longer you drink, the less GABA you are left with after. If you drink long enough the GABA will never go back to normal and you will require medical intervention if you stop.

That is just the chemistry side of it. Its also important to realize that if you are drinking your problems away, they are still there, you just pushed them off, which almost always makes them bigger problems. Sometimes you can push your problems off so long that they become insurmountable.

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