why does alzheimer’s increase the likelihood of aggression/anger in older people?


why does alzheimer’s increase the likelihood of aggression/anger in older people?

In: 263

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not an expert, but went through this with an older family member. The things that the rest of us agreed about plus the comments from the medical staff:

1) Frustration when you know you can’t do something you used to be able to do. Maybe you try and you try and keep failing and then get angry about the failure.

2) In lucid moments, feeling insulted that they won’t let you drive, or that they sold your house without your permission to pay for your long-term care, or that they treat you like a child when you used to change their diapers.

3) We spend a lot of time every day NOT saying every mean thing that comes into our heads. As your brain works less and less, you lose some of the filters that helped you get along with people.

4) Awareness that your life is going to end and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, and people say “I know how you feel” but really, they don’t know how you feel. You’re dying and they aren’t. You can’t drive and they can. And they’re sitting there being condescending to you and thinking that “I know how you feel” is going to help anything, when it’s obviously and stupidly false.

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