Why does “baby brain” occur?


What is it that causes baby brain?
I’m currently pregnant and definitely feel it happening. But why? And can it be prevented?

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4 Answers

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The cognitive issues during pregnancy are usually referred to as “pregnancy brain” and then when the little one becomes an independent being, it’s “mom brain”.


“A woman’s actual brain cells do not change, but the environments around them do,” he said. “During pregnancy, the body sends a flood of fluctuating hormones throughout the body. It’s like a truckload of different sizes and flavors, which affect all kinds of neurons in the brain.”

These physiological changes on the brain can cause women to experience memory problems, poor concentration and absentmindedness. So if you’re finding that more and more you misplace your keys, forget appointments or can’t remember why you walked upstairs, you’re not imagining it.

But while research is mixed as to if and what changes the brain actually undergoes during pregnancy, Dr. Saleh agrees environmental changes, such as sleep deprivation, stress and distraction, are big contributors to the problem.

When a woman becomes pregnant, her No. 1 priority is now on her baby. She becomes distracted by excitement and worry about all the major life changes this baby will bring, which makes it difficult to focus and remember anything else.

“Priorities are now shifted to focus on the growing baby and preparing for the arrival,” said Dr. Saleh. “So, it’s easy for women to forget about other things because the brain is hyper focused on the baby and pregnancy.”

Not to mention, when anyone experiences a consistent lack of sleep or chronic stress, research has shown that impacts cognitive function and memory.”

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