Why does being hungry sometimes feel “good” (or at least manageable) and other times it makes you feel nauseous or panicked?


I’ve had some of my best workouts on a hungry stomach, but sometimes the exact same interval of fasting makes me feel nauseous and not at all interested in moving.

In: 50

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Not an expert, but I’d imagine the feeling you might be thinking of is your blood sugar levels being low. If you have something earlier in the day that digests slowly like a salad with chicken or nuts on it, it would digest slower than something like a bag of potato chips. In the first case, you might eventually eventually get hungry but have ok blood sugar levels, but in the second scenario, you might feel shaky, nauseous, or panicked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not an expert, but I’d imagine the feeling you might be thinking of is your blood sugar levels being low. If you have something earlier in the day that digests slowly like a salad with chicken or nuts on it, it would digest slower than something like a bag of potato chips. In the first case, you might eventually eventually get hungry but have ok blood sugar levels, but in the second scenario, you might feel shaky, nauseous, or panicked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to the blood sugar levels, it could be overall nutrition. Times that you’ve felt good may have been times where your last few meals provided enough of a surplus of what your body was using at the time, where the times you’ve felt not so good you had already burned through whatever it was your body was demanding.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to the blood sugar levels, it could be overall nutrition. Times that you’ve felt good may have been times where your last few meals provided enough of a surplus of what your body was using at the time, where the times you’ve felt not so good you had already burned through whatever it was your body was demanding.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hunger is just caused by your stomach being empty, but you don’t feel bad just because your stomach is empty. Just because your stomach is empty, doesn’t necessarily mean your body needs things either. This is why people can only eat when they’re hungry, stop when they’re full, but still be overweight.

Feeling bad while hungry is a result of your body lacking something, which has a huge overlap with your stomach being empty, but it’s not necessarily the same thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hunger is just caused by your stomach being empty, but you don’t feel bad just because your stomach is empty. Just because your stomach is empty, doesn’t necessarily mean your body needs things either. This is why people can only eat when they’re hungry, stop when they’re full, but still be overweight.

Feeling bad while hungry is a result of your body lacking something, which has a huge overlap with your stomach being empty, but it’s not necessarily the same thing.