Why does blood sugar spike after a meal if food is digested in the stomach for several hours before it starts getting absorbed in the small intestine?


Why does blood sugar spike after a meal if food is digested in the stomach for several hours before it starts getting absorbed in the small intestine?

In: 1349

28 Answers

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There’s a thing (enzyme) that starts breaks down sugary food (carbohydrates) as soon as it enters your mouth. It’s called amylase. So by the time the sugary food hits your stomach, it’s already partially digested. Also, not all sugary food is equal – some is very simple, some is very complex. Usually food is a mix of both, unless it’s something like lollies, soda etc. the simple carbs will be digested very rapidly. Also, your stomach can pass some foods/fluids very quickly – sometimes less than 15 minutes! And the gut will start absorbing the sugary goodness very quickly. Everything that your gut absorbs goes straight to the liver and then the blood.

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