Why does Bluetooth have many unresolved frustrations, despite thousands of complaints about said issues?


Is there a good reason why users can’t turn Bluetooth off entirely and prevent the system or apps for turning it back on?

Is there a good reason why there isn’t an option to never connect to a certain Bluetooth device automatically, without unpairing it?

Is there a good reason why some phones and devices just won’t pair, despite them being compatible looking spec-wise?

In: 7

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When it comes to technology, one person’s feature is another person’s bug. For instance: “Why is there no feature to prevent ever connecting to a Bluetooth device automatically?” Because if there was, you would be asking “Why does my Bluetooth device not connect automatically unless I explicitly tell it I want to connect to my device automatically?” The designers pick the functionality which most people want – which is usually the most automatic and least nuanced way something could work and still be useful.

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