why does browning on food, such as grill marks or roasting, taste so good?


why does browning on food, such as grill marks or roasting, taste so good?

In: 665

11 Answers

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The process that makes grilled and seared meats taste extra yummy is called maillard browning. Whats happenning is the high lepreture fo the cooking surface is taking the fats, sugars amd other carbohydrates that are present on the surface of the meat and gets excreted during cooking and carmalizes those substances.

Similar to how grilled onions become very sweet and tasty when caramelized, the same thing happens for meets when seared or otherwise grilled.

In restaurants, steaks and pork chops are cooked in pans. Little brown bits stick to the bottom, these brown bites are essentially maillard browning thay stick to the cooking surface. They can be declared using wine, stock, vinegar, or water, add a little butter, some salt and pepper to taste and you have some of the best topping sauce thay beats the pants off A1, ketchup, or BBQ sauce.

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