why does browning on food, such as grill marks or roasting, taste so good?


why does browning on food, such as grill marks or roasting, taste so good?

In: 665

11 Answers

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Real 5 year old explain.

Sugar is sweet, but caramel is sweeter because we heat it up just to the right temperature that chemistry happens and it tastes even more sugary. You can think of it as the heat cracking open the sugar molecule each sugar can hit more tastebuds. Also, burned food tastes terrible and bitter. But if you have just a little burned food in the same bite as a bunch of super sweet food it tastes even better than just the sweets.

Brown marks on food is the sugars present in that food being heated up to that extra sweet temperature. Some of it gets too hot and becomes burned and bitter, but since it’s only a really small amount that gets burned, it tastes even better, not worse.

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