Why does caffeine help relieve headaches?


Whenever I have a headache, I usually go for a soda or energy drink over Tylenol or Advil because it just seems to relieve it better. Why is this?

In: 13

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Headaches is one of the symptoms of caffeine addiction withdrawal. If this is the cause of the headache then caffeine will take you out of the withdrawal and cure the headache.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s two factors involved

1. Is that caffeine shrinks your arteries. A lot of headaches are vascular meaning that they are the caused by too much blood flow in the brain. Reducing that blood flow helps relieve the pain.

2. Headaches are a symptom of caffeine withdrawal, so drink caffeine makes the withdrawal symptoms go away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Believe it or not, headaches are still quite a mystery to science. It is thought that some headaches are caused by the swelling or dilation of blood vessels in the brain.

Caffeine can constrict blood vessels. So some headache medicines include caffeine in order to reduce that dilation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most headache and migraine medicine has caffeine as an ingredient, because it stimulates and promotes vasoconstriction. If your headache is from caffeine withdrawal, obviously this will resolve the symptoms. If it is not, the caffeine shrinks blood vessels and promotes higher blood pressure, which moves a lot of blood around your head and scalp, thus lessening the painful symptoms of a headache.

Headaches are very well researched, but not very well understood. The main thought has to do with blood throughput to the scalp area, but we don’t know why.

Anonymous 0 Comments

it doesnt.

headaches are a withdrawal symptom for caffeine.

if anything you should treat those headaches as ” maybe im consuming too much caffeine”

Anonymous 0 Comments

What others have said but also you might be a little dehydrated so drinking helps with that.