Why does ChatGPT lie? And why can’t this be fixed easily?


I’ve tried asking it to write arguments and support them but the references are fake. It apologizes when confronted but does it over and over again even when I ask it not to provide fake references.

In: 5

45 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not googling those references or anything, because it’s not a search engine, it is literally a very good making-up engine. It makes up words and sentences that seem relevant based on all the data it was trained with, which is how it makes conversation so well. Don’t ask it for references.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because its randomly cobbling together bits of information based on an input. It’s not actually thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because its randomly cobbling together bits of information based on an input. It’s not actually thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it this way: if a child watched you dial numbers on a phone, that child would figure out that dialing numbers is how you call people. The child might even be able to imitate you perfectly and dial the same number.

But what happens if you ask the child to call, let’s say, the local library? They’re just gonna hit random numbers. They’ve learned to imitate the behavior, but they have no idea how it actually works. That’s more or less what these AIs are currently doing. They’re extremely good at imitating us.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It understands the concept of a reference, but not the meaning. Things like this are why it’s free to use at the moment, they need peoppe doing this. It won’t be free forever.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not googling those references or anything, because it’s not a search engine, it is literally a very good making-up engine. It makes up words and sentences that seem relevant based on all the data it was trained with, which is how it makes conversation so well. Don’t ask it for references.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ChatGPT does not lie, you can only lie if you have the intend to trick someone.

ChatGPT is false and that is somehow hyped up in the media as a lie.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because its randomly cobbling together bits of information based on an input. It’s not actually thinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It understands the concept of a reference, but not the meaning. Things like this are why it’s free to use at the moment, they need peoppe doing this. It won’t be free forever.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ChatGPT does not lie, you can only lie if you have the intend to trick someone.

ChatGPT is false and that is somehow hyped up in the media as a lie.