Why does ChatGPT lie? And why can’t this be fixed easily?


I’ve tried asking it to write arguments and support them but the references are fake. It apologizes when confronted but does it over and over again even when I ask it not to provide fake references.

In: 5

45 Answers

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Not lying, just half formed connections in a massive jumble of linked information. The apology is more of a hard coded response as opposed to “thank you for providing direct negative feedback on this erroneous response, we will use this to improve in the future”

Like if someone said ” I remember consuming media, probably a paper, from a scientist, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, or Einstein, and it was talking about finches in the Galapagos and how the birds prove evolution is what killed the dodo.” You might be able to piece together that they saw Neil on JRE talking about Darwin and the Dodo’s lack of natural predators leading to them being unequipped when humans started eating them. And that person might even apologize for being wrong, but they didn’t lie to you

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