Why does consumption of alcohol lead us to gradually find people more attractive the more we keep drinking?


Is alcohol affecting the way our brain interprets what our eyes see by removing “unwanted” features from the other person’s face? Does it raise our libido making us like a braider spectrum? Is it just an inhibition thing?

In: 23

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It cuts through inhibition.

As long as you aren’t black-out or unconscious, it won’t make you do anything out of character or out of your wheelhouse.

Like, for example, if you’re drinking but mostly aware, you might hit on a person of the same gender as you, even if you generally present as straight and cis. It might push you to experiment, but the will has to be there.

Likewise, there may be fetishes or body types or other factors that alcohol will ease you into.

People desperate for physical contact might accept people who are not traditionally attractive to them, but it’s not like people who are bigoted against obese people will go home with an obese person if they’re just a bit drunk. The will has to be there.

Again, my comment isn’t about consent or blacking out.

I’m simply saying, you’re aware and a bit drunk, and hitting on someone you usually wouldn’t, it’s just you losing inhibition enough to experiment where sober you wouldn’t

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called “Alcohol myopia,” and basically what it means is that the more you drink, the more you are interesting in short-term wants over long-term consequences. Like the person isn’t any more attractive to you, but your thinking slowly changes from “I want to meet and have sex with someone attractive, who would be a good partner to me, who my friends won’t tease me over, and who I could bring home to my parents,” to “I want to have sex.” Or you go from “I’m hungry. I want a tasty meal that isn’t too bad for me, won’t break my budget, and won’t make a huge mess,” to “I’m hungry. I need nachos RIGHT NOW” and you end up ordering take out even though it’s expensive, driving to Taco Bell even though you’re drunk, or throwing chips, cheese and beans in the microwave all at once until something explodes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simply put, alcohol lowers your inhibitions. These inhibitions stop us from doing things that we deem unacceptable, regardless of our goal at the end.

The reason you’d experience this mental phenomenon is because your brain has a drive to procreate and your brain maintains this whilst you’re drunk. If you get drunk enough, your brain will attempt to reach that end goal regardless of what would’ve previously been unacceptable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To my knowledge it doesn’t make people more attractive that’s just a funny bit that shows like to throw in just like how smoking weed doesn’t give visual hallucinations like TV would like to think it does.

What alcohol does do is make decisions easier to make be they good or bad so someone you normally wouldn’t take home gets overridden by the decision to want to take someone home tonight.

It’s very much in a similar vein to the cheating cause drunk being a bad excuse, alcohol doesn’t mind control you it just makes decisions you may already make easier to convince yourself into.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You become less able to see details, and your spacial awareness is impaired.

What this means is you don’t see any blemishes or little things detracting from someone’s attractiveness. Like bloodshot eyes, or pimples. Also you’re less able to notice things that are off spacially, like eyes too far apart, or too close together, or a huge chin or nose.

All in all this makes a person more attractive… If that’s what you’re trying to look for.

Conversely if you’re getting into a fight with someone, you’re likely to see them as uglier than they actually are.