Why does consumption of alcohol lead us to gradually find people more attractive the more we keep drinking?


Is alcohol affecting the way our brain interprets what our eyes see by removing “unwanted” features from the other person’s face? Does it raise our libido making us like a braider spectrum? Is it just an inhibition thing?

In: 23

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To my knowledge it doesn’t make people more attractive that’s just a funny bit that shows like to throw in just like how smoking weed doesn’t give visual hallucinations like TV would like to think it does.

What alcohol does do is make decisions easier to make be they good or bad so someone you normally wouldn’t take home gets overridden by the decision to want to take someone home tonight.

It’s very much in a similar vein to the cheating cause drunk being a bad excuse, alcohol doesn’t mind control you it just makes decisions you may already make easier to convince yourself into.

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