It cuts through inhibition.
As long as you aren’t black-out or unconscious, it won’t make you do anything out of character or out of your wheelhouse.
Like, for example, if you’re drinking but mostly aware, you might hit on a person of the same gender as you, even if you generally present as straight and cis. It might push you to experiment, but the will has to be there.
Likewise, there may be fetishes or body types or other factors that alcohol will ease you into.
People desperate for physical contact might accept people who are not traditionally attractive to them, but it’s not like people who are bigoted against obese people will go home with an obese person if they’re just a bit drunk. The will has to be there.
Again, my comment isn’t about consent or blacking out.
I’m simply saying, you’re aware and a bit drunk, and hitting on someone you usually wouldn’t, it’s just you losing inhibition enough to experiment where sober you wouldn’t
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