Why does diarrhea / gas cause crippling pain?


Why does diarrhea / gas cause crippling pain?

In: 521

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because gas, which often developes with diarrhea, distends your intestines. While your intestines can be cut wide open without you feeling it, they are sensitive to pressure increase, which is causing the pain you are experiencing.

Anonymous 0 Comments


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Anonymous 0 Comments

Others explain why there’s pain, but if it’s *crippling* pain, you should see a doctor. It shouldn’t be that severe. You could have something more serious going on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Crippling!?! It doesn’t…. It shouldn’t. Or am I just lucky to have only ever had moderate discomfort?

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I find that taking probiotics and eating enough fiber (taking a supplement if necessary) prevents this almost entirely. Not sure why.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had periodic crippling bowl pain that could result in passing out – thankfully only lasted an hour or so. But went on for years. Turned out to be a parasite! 2 weeks of the right medicine and I was right as rain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was a teenager suffering from anorexia, I chewed a lot of sugarless gum and by that means created for myself multiple episodes of absolutely agonizing abdominal bloating and gas pain. Basically, bacteria in my intestines were digesting the sweetener in the gum that I could not digest and producing so much gas as a byproduct that my intestines swelled to a point that the space in my abdomen was no longer adequate to contain them without discomfort. I really felt as if my belly would split open from the pressure.