Why does drinking a certain amount of water turn into SO much more urine?


Why does drinking a certain amount of water turn into SO much more urine?

In: 375

27 Answers

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Your body can process so much water in a given amount of time. Let’s say 1 litre per hour ( I have no idea if that’s the right amount by the way)

If you consume more than that rate of water then a little alarm bell goes off in your body and your kidneys ( organs that filter the blood) go ‘oh no there’s too much water’ and begin to work faster to filter your blood and fill your bladder.

Lots of things other than excessive water can cause your kidneys to work faster (diabetes, urine infections, etc)

Generally you can guess your correct hydration level by the colour of your wee! Dark orange wee means drink more. Very clear wee means you’re drinking a bit fast. Light straw colour is perfect. Red wee is blood and you should see a doctor quite quickly.

Note if you drink hugely excessive amounts of water it upsets the chemical balance of your body and you can become very ill and die.

2nd note because I love biology is that there’s a strange length of time that most animals pee in, so a dog takes just as long to wee as an elephant does. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24425-universal-law-of-urination-found-in-mammals/#:~:text=Medium%2Dsized%20animals%20like%20dogs,the%20same%20time%20as%20elephants.

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