Why does drinking a certain amount of water turn into SO much more urine?


Why does drinking a certain amount of water turn into SO much more urine?

In: 375

27 Answers

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I’m skeptical that the question is based on a true premise.

If your body has excess water to start with, then you may urinate more than you drink, because your body needs a certain amount of hydration and it was going to get rid of that excess water anyway before you drank more.

Alcoholic drinks contain water, but the alcohol dehydrates you and causes you to lose more water. I’ve heard (never actually looked it up) that it is possible to drink a pint of beer and pee out more than a pint over the next couple of hours, due to the dehydration effect from alcohol.

But generally, the water you take in by drinking and eating (most food has a high proportion of water) doesn’t all go out in the urine. Some goes out with sweat, and evaporation from breathing.

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