Why does drinking a certain amount of water turn into SO much more urine?


Why does drinking a certain amount of water turn into SO much more urine?

In: 375

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A very simplifed answer is we mostly burn carbs, which are different variation of sugars. Sugar is mostly made of Carbon atom linked to Hydrogen atom and Oxygen atoms. You breath in extra oxygen, and breath put the carbon atoms in the form of CO2. The remaining hydrogen and oxygen form water (H2O) that come out as pee and humidity in the breath (which is why you can exhale white fog in cold weather).

This is also the reason why you don’t shit as much mass as you eat, most of the mass when out in your breath and in your pee.

Fats are just Carbon and hydrogen, same principle, just adding more oxygen from breathing and producing more water then carbs (camels’ back are full of fat, which gives them water when consumed).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Reddit obviously changed a lot in recent years. If today it serves the needs of those who think that question of that sort deserves an NSFW tag, that probably means that people with brains have migrated somewhere. Can you direct me please?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe time is key here. I was told that the body can on average only absorb 250ml per 15 or 30 mins (i forgot which it was). Anything beyond that just passes right through you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You drink water through the mouth, you pee that water through your genitals.

The more water you drink, the more water you pee.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many answers here are missing out the fact that alcohol is a diuretic. “Drinking it can make you pee more than if you had the same amount of water.”

This is because alcohol suppresses the action of a hormone that tells your kidney to hold onto more water. When the hormone is suppressed, more water is released by the kidneys, which can have a dehydrating effect.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So until you’re getting “enough” water, your body only uses as little as possible to flush out your stuff. This is why your urine will be more yellow, since there’s more junk in the water it’s using to pee it out. When you start drinking in excess of however much is “enough” on top of using water to flush out junk, it also gets rid of the excess water.

So if you need, say, 8 cups of water, and you drink 8, you might only pee out one cups worth. If you drink an extra cup of water, you have to pee out what you normally would, plus that extra cup. So that one extra cup equals twice as much urine. It doesn’t work quite exactly like that, I’m sure, but that’s more or less the gist

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of water at once means a lot of pee at once.

Your body likes a lot of different chemicals and cells in your blood. If you drink to much water and you’re already pretty well hydrated, then this creates a lot of pee. But If you’re not hydrated, and you drink a decent amount of water, you will also create alot of more concentrated pee.