Why does eating pineapple make my tongue tingle?


Why does eating pineapple make my tongue tingle?

In: 106

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know how your saliva has enzymes that help break down foodstuff? So does pineapple.
While you’re breaking down the pineapple a bit with your enzymes, the pineapple is doing the same to your tongue. That’s what makes it tingle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pineapple has a chemical in it that breaks down protein. Your mouth is made of meat and protein, so it tries to break down your mouth, causing the tingle.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Pinapple enzyme.”bromelain”

While you’re trying to eat *it* the pinapple is trying to eat *you*.

We’re just an insane organism with litteral hydrocloric acid in our stomach which denatures the enzyme.

What little bromelain stays in your mouth really isn’t sufficient to cause significant damage to such a huge biomass.

And what superficial damage occurs, our bodies EASILY regenerate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pineapple has an enzyme that is great at breaking down proteins. Your tongue is slowly disintegrating, essentially. Watch this, and you can see how pineapple effects steak at different time intervals.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Wasn’t there a guy that posted something like this before and it turned out he was having an allergic reaction to Pineapple? and had been for years?

Anonymous 0 Comments

The comments on the enzyme are correct. It can also be a low level allergic reaction, I have it with avocados

Anonymous 0 Comments

So what if this happens with virtually every fruit/vegetable I eat? That’s probably a allergic reaction I assume?

Anonymous 0 Comments

While you’re eating the pineapple, it’s busy trying to eat you.

There’s an enzyme in pineapple that dissolves protein. You’re made of protein.