Why does eating pineapple make my tongue tingle?


Why does eating pineapple make my tongue tingle?

In: 106

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bromelain – it’s a chemical in pineapple that’s basically a meat tenderizer. Interestingly, if you have surgery or another procedure and need to reduce swelling afterward, drinking pineapple juice or eating fresh pineapple can help.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My mom told me to soak pineapple in salt water to address that enzyme that causes the tingling. I don’t know if it chemically neutralizes it. But pineapple sure tastes way nicer after being in salt water for a bit

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anyone ever get a weird taste drinking water right after eating fresh pineapple. Unless it’s just me 😃

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because when you eat pineapple, pineapple eats you.

Lol, automod removed my first attempt at this comment because it was too short, but making an explanation as simple as possible is the whole point of this sub. Everyone treats it like r/explainlikeimtwenty, and the vast majority of explanations here are far too complex for the whole point of the sub.

But, it’s pretty much exactly that. Pineapple has enzymes thay sort of digest you. As you eat it, it’s eating your tongue. If you eat enough pineapple, you’ll have a raw tongue.