why does ejaculation make men feel tired?


why does ejaculation make men feel tired?

In: 12

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The human body undergoes a bunch of processes before, during, and after sex. For men, the excitement phase begins with a stimulus and a release of hormones/neurotransmitters that excite the body. During and post ejaculation, the body releases more hormones/neurotransmitters including dopamine which is what makes orgasms feel good. There are other hormones that are designed to bring your elevated mood to its normal levels. Otherwise, you’d stay overly excited for no reason. In many people, these hormones can feel like a euphoric relaxant. Some people will feel tired, others will feel fine. The point is they’re not excited anymore. There are other factors including general health, how strenuous the sex was, etc that may explain why they are abnormally tired after ejaculation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, obviously, muscles clench up just before orgasm and relax afterward, which can feel like tiredness. True for women too.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know, but it’s not just men, as a woman I can masturbate to orgasm, and usually get real tired after, it’s highly effective when I’m restless it can’t take a nap. I just have to rub one out, and Bam I lm asleep

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, semen contains melatonin. So if you’re ever swalling that explains why women feel tired after 🙂