why does emotional stress cause physical problems to your body, like gases, pimples and back/neck pain?


why does emotional stress cause physical problems to your body, like gases, pimples and back/neck pain?

In: 24

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cuz everything is connected. So brain and other nerve systems cause physical changes due to emotional turmoil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Emotions are a response to stimulus, and motivate you to take action. Fear makes you run away, anger makes you fight back. To do this, emotions trigger physical reactions. Most of the time, these reactions are temporary. But in situations where the thing causing the emotion persists, the physical reactions persist. Over the long term, these physical reactions cause physical problems.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Stress causes your muscles to tense or spasm, which increases pain. When you feel stressed, levels of the hormone cortisol rise. This can cause inflammation and pain over time. Your gastrointestinal system is very sensitive to stress hormones like cortisol. You might experience nausea, heartburn, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, or constipation as a result of too many stress hormones.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oh I actually sort of know this one from researching atticins!! There is a horomone that is produced as a response to stress that helps calm down the body. However too much of the protein can lead to said problems along with weight gain

Anonymous 0 Comments

Emotions are series of chemical reaction in your body. And stress hormones are substances your body produces in order to allow you to react to stressful situations that happen to have really bad side effects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body is nothing more than a big bag of chemicals, constantly having chemical reactions. When you throw off the balance of the chemicals, strange things happen.