Why does ending a task from task manager work better than canceling a program?


When a computer starts to freeze or operate slowly and doesn’t respond, ending the task(s) from the task manager usually ends the program and the problem. Why does this work better than simply canceling the task with ALT+F4/pressing the cancel button in the window?

In: Technology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Close command has to be processed by the program. It has to finish processing whatever it’s stuck on before handling it.

Task manager kill just whacks the program.

Nuke the site from orbit solution.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One asks the program to finish what it’s doing and close itself, the other asks the operating system to close the program immediately.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you want a fun story with a small amount of technical data get it right from Dave’s mouth as in the guy who literally wrote the bulk of the original task manager code. He has a YouTube channel called Dave’s garage and has a 3 piece series on the history of TM.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Clicking the “X”-Button is like reading a bedtime story, tucking them in and kissing your child goodnight.

Terminating a task in the task manager is like just knocking them out without them remember anything about the day before in the morning.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What others said. Plus a note that it’s architectonic decision to make it this way. There is nothing stopping us from executing kill command right after you softly press that X in the corner. But the consensus so far has been that it’s not a good idea.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clicking the X button or pressing alt+F4 is asking a program to close. It may do it but it can also ignore it if doesn’t feel like it, or can’t do it.
You just inform the program , that you’d like to end, but it’s up to it what it’ll do with that knowledge.

Task manager just straight up kills the app without even asking.