Why does ethanol produce diplopia?


Normally, I have decent (slight correction needed for distance) vision when I’m sober. However, if I’ve consumed a few beverages (containing ethanol) within general a short period of time I start to struggle with double vision, which is resolved if I cover one eye (definitely does not resolve the fact that people around me know I’m drunk though…)
Is this an issue with eyeballs themselves (for example, the muscles involved with focusing the pupil), or with the regions of the brain responsible for interpreting visual perception? Is it worth mentioning to an optometrist?

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When you become intoxicated you have diminished bodily functions. In this case, it’s everything. You have 6 muscles that control the movement of the eye, when you have an excess of alcohol in your system essentially your Central Nervous System’s information delivery slowed to a crawl (obviously this gets worse with increased alcohol consumption) and your brain has significantly harder time controlling the movement of your eyes. Think of it like trying to talk over a recording of yourself.

It also isn’t limited to just the muscles of the eye, this include the eyeball itself and the iris becoming sluggish and having trouble fixating.

And the reason why your vision appears better when you cover one of your eyes is because your brain no longer has to battle 2 disorderly children and can focus on 1 at the cost of… vision focus and depth perception

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