Why does even hot air feel cold when it’s moving?


Why does even hot air feel cold when it’s moving?

In: 10

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the air moves faster over your skin it speeds up how fast your sweat evaporates. Liquid needs a certain amount of energy to turn to a gas and that energy comes from the heat in your skin. This cooling you down

Anonymous 0 Comments

Body loses heat in 2 main ways. Evaporation of sweat and direct contact with the air.

Air can only hold a finite amount of both water vapor from sweat, and heat absorbed from the body.

Moving air increases the amount of air that is in contact with the body, think of it like if your body was handing boxes(boxes) to people in a line(air). It hands them one box, and it takes them a little bit to move out of the way for another person to get another box.
Moving air is like moving the line along faster, it can disperse more heat since there is more air. Your body interprets this feeling of loss of heat as feeling cool.