Why does every single airline website take so long to load compared to that of Google Flights?


I’ve noticed that almost every single airline website feels extremely clunky, simply searching for a single flight route can take a minute to load. However, Google Flights only takes a few seconds and searches across all airlines.

In theory, shouldn’t it take longer for Google to process the information if they need to pull data from so many different airlines?

In: 21

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The problem is live data. Google doesn’t work with live data, it works with cached data. The difference is like going to the library, and possibly multiple libraries, to look for the data co pared to just remembering it. Sure, there might be newer data in the library, but you’d have to go all the way over there to get it, so you’re better off just using memory. If you want to actually buy one of those tickets, though, you actually need the live data, to make sure there’s a seat left to buy, but by that time you have left Google and gone to the airline website. So Google gets to shine, and the airline websites get to take all the shit.

This, coincidentally, is how nomal search engines work too.

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