Why does every single airline website take so long to load compared to that of Google Flights?


I’ve noticed that almost every single airline website feels extremely clunky, simply searching for a single flight route can take a minute to load. However, Google Flights only takes a few seconds and searches across all airlines.

In theory, shouldn’t it take longer for Google to process the information if they need to pull data from so many different airlines?

In: 21

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The short answer is because Google is much better at designing websites

They pre-cache and rescan websites for updates so that they can present you faster outputs from their database and can compute better and cheaper routes for you.

Airline websites are notorious for being made on the cheap and are designed and maintained by teams that don’t have anywhere near the resources that Google has.

Also the backend booking system for most airlines is Saber which is ancient and slow and many airlines (Southwest is a prime example) are notorious for refusing to spend any money to update their systems.

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