Why does fat accumulate is some men’s stomachs, almost exclusively, rather than to arms, legs, etc?


Why does fat accumulate is some men’s stomachs, almost exclusively, rather than to arms, legs, etc?

In: 96

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s genetically advantageous. Arms and legs need to be lean for dexterity. Excess fat on the torso can help shield organs from damage. From a hunter gatherer perspective, if you’ve got to carry some extra weight (and you might to survive the leaner times), it’s best if it ends up somewhere with mild advantages rather than somewhere with mild disadvantages.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What you’re thinking of is what’s known as a “beer belly”. A beer belly is caused by excess fat around the organs rather than fat behind the skin, making it appear like a small budlge in the stomach.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s mostly hormones controlling fat distribution, which I guess you could call genetics. If you have med-high oestrogen, then you get a lot more fat in your lower body. If you have mid-high androgens, then it stores in the abdominal and upper chest. Men and post menopausal women have higher androgen, while women in fertility years will have higher oestrogen. Obesity can increase either and cause weird fat distribution for either gender.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s talk 5!

Think about your clothes’ pockets. When you put a pair of jeans, there are 4 pockets, right? But then, there are cargo pants, with pockets all over, in the leg, thigh, etc.

Fat will accumulate where your body has the most pockets (receptors) for it. It is defined by your genetics where those pockets go. Up until teen aging, you can also define how much those pockets can hold, and if you can empty them fast or slow. If you keep ’em always filled, you will have a hard time emptying them later. But if you keep ’em empty, even when filled, they will be “easy” to let go.

NotSo5: We get receptor distribution defined by genetics. If up until teens you are overweight, your body will remember that and keep it a tendency. You will be prone to gain weight and have difficulty losing it. If you are thin, even if you gain weight, it will be easier for you to lose it.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Not the ones I’ve seen….. women are pretty much the same way, but they have a higher propensity to gain weight or not lose it, so it just seems that way. Most fat in women goes in the torso if they’re not obese. Men will have flabby arms and legs if they are obese too.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Men deposit fat in the belly region while woman deposit fat in the ass and thighs

That why you she woman with small waist and and fat ass

Until they get so OBEAST that they they fat everywhere