Why does fat promote inflammation ?


Just why ? whats its other functions beside of energy storage ?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, basically, when you have too much fat, especially in the form of “adipose tissue” (body fat), your body starts to release harmful substances. These substances include things like TNF-alpha and IL-6, which are like alarm signals that cause inflammation, or a kind of internal swelling. At the same time, your body produces less of a helpful substance called adiponectin, which normally helps to reduce inflammation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fat tissue, also known as adipose tissue, serves various functions in the body beyond energy storage. It produces hormones, stores vitamins, and helps insulate and protect organs. However, excessive fat can lead to inflammation. This happens because fat cells release molecules called cytokines that can trigger the immune system. In cases of obesity, where there’s an excess of fat tissue, these cytokines can cause chronic inflammation, which is linked to various health issues like diabetes and heart disease. So, while fat has important roles, too much of it can contribute to inflammation due to the substances it releases.