Why does fermenting sugar create alcohol, but fermenting cabbage doesn’t?


Why does fermenting sugar create alcohol, but fermenting cabbage doesn’t?

In: 49

15 Answers

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Fermentation is the process of taking yeast pr other bacterial organisms, havi g them eat a certain compound, and through their own bodily functions, what is produced is the fermented product.

Fermented sugar is ethanol. Where as cabbage thay becomes fermented is spawned by lactic acid producing bacteria, unlike the ethanol producing yeast thay we find in alcohol products.

Another way of looking at this is that fermentation is on the spectrum of rot. This isn’t to say that fermented products are spoiled and unfit for human consumption, but that the same processes thay contribute to natural decay are found and controlled in fermentation.

I’ve heard it said that the difference between rot and fermentation is that rot has no use for people where as fermentation does.

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