Why does fresh air help when someone feels sick


Why does fresh air help when someone feels sick

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answer will depend on what you mean by “feels sick”. It may help against some diseases but not others.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fresh air, usually cool air, has similar effects to placing a cool towel on your neck/forehead if you’ve got a fever. Helps lower your body temp, and keep you from overheating. Air quality has effects on the body (why air pollution is an issue), so ‘fresh’ air quality might be better than ‘non-fresh’ that may have unpleasant, irritating or nauseating particles in the air e.g. smells, allergens.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Because when you’re feeling sick, your sense of smell is really sensitive, and fresher air is going to smell better compared to stale air

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t. It probably comes from the belief in the old days that sickness was caused by stale/smelly air.

What’s probably making the person feel better is getting up and moving around.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It do hit different tho