Why does gasoline eventually go bad?


Why does gasoline eventually go bad?

In: 221

54 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gasoline is made of volatile chemicals. Volatile means they turn from liquid to gas and float away. When enough of the chemicals in your gasoline evaporate, you’re left with a substance that doesn’t flow or burn very well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Evaporation of various chemicals and liquids can eventually make it not optimal or good for cars. The shelf life of “regular” gas is 3-6 months. Whereas diesel can last for 1 year.

The first thing that happens is the ethanol oxidizes and evaporates which makes the fuel less combustible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Evaporation of various chemicals and liquids can eventually make it not optimal or good for cars. The shelf life of “regular” gas is 3-6 months. Whereas diesel can last for 1 year.

The first thing that happens is the ethanol oxidizes and evaporates which makes the fuel less combustible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gasoline is made of volatile chemicals. Volatile means they turn from liquid to gas and float away. When enough of the chemicals in your gasoline evaporate, you’re left with a substance that doesn’t flow or burn very well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gasoline is made of volatile chemicals. Volatile means they turn from liquid to gas and float away. When enough of the chemicals in your gasoline evaporate, you’re left with a substance that doesn’t flow or burn very well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other commenters are pointing towards evaporation being the culprit. So, would storing gasoline in a sealed container with no space for air or some incompatible filter fluid mean it can be stored indefinitely?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other commenters are pointing towards evaporation being the culprit. So, would storing gasoline in a sealed container with no space for air or some incompatible filter fluid mean it can be stored indefinitely?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other commenters are pointing towards evaporation being the culprit. So, would storing gasoline in a sealed container with no space for air or some incompatible filter fluid mean it can be stored indefinitely?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gasoline is a complicated mixture: ~150 different hydrocarbons, including butane, pentane, isopentane and the BTEX compounds (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes), plus lubricants, anti-rust agents and anti-icing agents.

As with most solvents and combustibles, gasoline off-gasses really easily, even at very low temperatures (which kinds is what makes it a good ‘Pushahol’.)

The problem is not all of these components evaporate at the same rate (or at all).

So, eventually, more of the volatiles evaporate off and leaves you with heavier concentrations of non-volatiles.

After enough time, you are left with gunk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gasoline is a complicated mixture: ~150 different hydrocarbons, including butane, pentane, isopentane and the BTEX compounds (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes), plus lubricants, anti-rust agents and anti-icing agents.

As with most solvents and combustibles, gasoline off-gasses really easily, even at very low temperatures (which kinds is what makes it a good ‘Pushahol’.)

The problem is not all of these components evaporate at the same rate (or at all).

So, eventually, more of the volatiles evaporate off and leaves you with heavier concentrations of non-volatiles.

After enough time, you are left with gunk.