why does grass thrive even after being trampled on, but other plants wouldn’t survive?


why does grass thrive even after being trampled on, but other plants wouldn’t survive?

In: 150

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s flexible and soft enough that it doesn’t get damaged so much with regular traffic. Other plants tend to break because they are built different. Flowers have a tube like stem. Trees are made of wood that will snap. And so on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grass doesn’t THRIVE when trampled on. It can likely recover, but I certainly wouldn’t say it thrives.

That said, being continually trampled on, it will definitely die. As fast as another plant, no; but it will die if you continuously trample it.

Give an example of where you see grass continually trampled and thriving.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As well as the above person saying it’s small, thin and flexible, grass also grows from its base, whereas other plants usually grow from the top. This means if anywhere above the growth area is damage, eaten or cut, the blade of grass will continue to grow. It’s why cows and similar animals can graze on fields and the field will continue to be green (and spect if it gets waterlogged and the cows’ hooves can disturb the roots of the grass)

Anonymous 0 Comments

My parents have run a lawn care business for 30 years. Grass does not thrive when trampled on. I’m fact, if there is a frequently traversed pathway through your lawn, you will almost certainly notice it. Lawn care workers have to take care to alter their routines in order to avoid creating “tracks” in customers lawns.

If grass has anything going for it, it is that it grows very fast. Healthy grass can grown an inch every five days. Most plants don’t grow nearly as quickly. So you can trample grass down, but it will grow back in a week or so.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grass is a heavily grazed-on plant that has evolved to deal with lots of foliar damage. It grows from its base, so after the top has been damaged/removed it can quickly allocate resources to new groth. But when frequently tramped, it will die – it doesn’t thrive. My university keeps having to re-sod an area that students keep turning into a dirt path by taking a shortcut across the lawn. Sports fields have to be carefully and frequently maintained to keep the grass looking nice, including aerating the soil to keep the soil from getting compacted to promote healthy root growth/ water drainage.

– I’m studying urban soils for my dissertation and turfgrass lawns are a major focus.

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s basically all leaves that are not dependent on being unharmed to work. the stems are short and flexible. Even when it grows out, a bunch of stems are turned on their side and rarely broken when stepped on. Enough trampling will create a path, however, so it’s a question of how long it can take that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grass is a monocotyledon most other plants are Dicotyledon. Doesn’t matter what it means (definition is irrelevant but a distinction between the two types is important) Physically they are different in terms of growing.

Grass grows from the base so you can cut it, graze it, walk on it and if the leaves are damaged they grow new ones from the bottom. Other plants grow from the shoot tips. If you damage these it has to recover, so it can recover. but continues damage weakens it to a point where it dies.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grass grows from the bottom. It has evolved to survive being walked on, grazed and even burned. If you see a place where people regular walk across grass it will wear a path through it quite quickly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a continuance to some of the scientific answers, it’s also worth noting that there are lots of different kinds of “grass”, and the ones that we see are often selected specifically because of their beneficial properties.

Creationists will try to argue that a banana is proof of Creation, because it comes in its own little container, changes color when it’s ready to eat, the seeds are so tiny you can eat them without thinking about it, etc. Many of those properties have been bred by humans; wild banana seeds are like the size of a quarter.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trees, flowers, grasses is the order they evolved on this planet.

Grass evolved to be trampled on etc. in fact it’s evolved to burn in fires and making the hottest place from its flames to be above the grasses themselves. This height of this heat concentration is made to kill trees which grasses compete with.

The main part of grasses is just below ground. As long as this isn’t damaged/eaten grass can grow back.

Trees are sea cucumbers. Grasses are dolphins.