why does having a long story before a recipe help websites get better search engine results?


Whenever I’m looking for recipes online there is invariable a long story about the author’s family and which family members like this dish and which ones do not. I’m sure I’m not the only person who thinks this is vey uninteresting and just wants to get to the cookie recipe but I’ve heard that doing this gives websites better chances of turning up higher in search results.

Why do these stories improve search rankings? Who decided to set the settings that caused this?

In: Technology

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because legally you can copy a recipe – it is a description of a process, which is a fact. Facts cannot be copywritten.

However, the long stories and descriptions are their own intellectual property, and that cannot be legally copied to another website (not saying it doesn’t happen anyway).

So the stories become the unique bits around a recipe that’s probably on hundreds of sites. People like unique content, and so does Google.

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