Why does hearing yourself speak with a few seconds of delay, completely crash your brain?


Why does hearing yourself speak with a few seconds of delay, completely crash your brain?

In: 36

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called speech jamming.

Your brain pays a lot of attention to that what you say comes out right – you are listening to yourself as you speak.

With just a tiny bit of delay your brain percieves it as what just left your mouth, it’s no issue, otherwise room echos would jam us all the time.

But is the delay too long, what the brain hears doesn’t match up with what goes out through your mouth. So it tries to adjust your speech for the mismatch and that essentially creates a feedback loop and you’re jammed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It takes some practice. On my twenties I co-hosted a program on my local radio and on my left ear I had the live feed from the technician, on my right ear I had the signal room a normal radio, tuned in to our station.

It took some practice to learn to cope with it, but I had naar live feedback on what our listeners got and I loved it.

So like most things, you brain can learn and adapt