Why does hearing yourself speak with a few seconds of delay, completely crash your brain?

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Why does hearing yourself speak with a few seconds of delay, completely crash your brain?

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14 Answers

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Brain tells Mouth to say “Apple”

Ears check that Mouth said Apple correctly. They hear “Apple” because it came out of your mouth, so they tell Brain everything is ok.

Brain tells Mouth to say “Tree”

Ears check that Mouth said Tree correctly. They hear both Tree and Apple because Tree came from your mouth, but Apple came from the slightly delayed speakers behind you. Ears tell Brain you messed up because they heard something that kind of sounded like Tree, but wasn’t quite right.

Brain tries to verify that you did in fact say Tree and it successfully does so, but that sure was confusing and a lot more effort than normal conversation.

If this happens for a whole sentence, your brain runs out of processing power and freezes like a computer.

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